Today saw BULS’s 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM) with most of the positions up for grabs. And the results are as follows for the new committee-elect:

Chair – Catie Garner

Vice-Chair – Ed Gilbert

Secretary – Areeq Chowdhury

Treasurer – Ellis Stacey

Website Editor – Alex Swanson

Communications Officer – Sam Faulding

This represents the beginning of the end for what I’d like to call, the ‘General Election generation’ of BULS. The last contingent of the BULS society who still remembers the day the final Leader’s debate came to campus, the day we met the Cabinet (shame he didn’t shake my hand) and the day we watched Giesla Stuart win Edgbaston in Joe’s Bar on results night.

I wish the new committee-elect all the best and hope they will be a progressive force for good and a committee based on consensus and mutual trust and respect.

By Max Ramsay, outgoing Vice-Chair

Happy 5th Birthday BULS Blog!

5 years ago today former BULS Chair, John Richtie published the very first post on Birmingham University Labour Students’ (BULS) blog.

5 years, 992 posts, 3,940 comments, 138,862 views, 16 regular contributing authors and 3 Total Politics Blog Awards later the BULS blog has never been stronger. The BULS blog was originally set up in response to our Tory opposites in BUCF way back at the tail end of 2006. It’s now safe to say we’ve long since overtaken our rivals. BULS has also branched out onto twitter and become prominent amongst fellow Labour Student societies (and even recently Guild Council).

So here’s to another great 5 years and huge thank you to everyone who has ever contributed, commented or hell even viewed the BULS blog. Things can indeed only get better.

Merry Christmas from BULS

On behalf of Birmingham University Labour Students (BULS), we would like to wish you all a very enjoyable and merry Christmas regardless of party affiliation. BULS has come a long long way in 2011, let’s hope we can build upon those successes in 2012.

By Max Ramsay, BULS Vice-Chair

BULS goes back to its founder

It seems the case for a low pay kitemark has been widened to include co-founder and former co-Chair of BULS, Richard Angell. Richard now works as the Deputy Director of Progress and recently published a post on the national Labour Students website.

So please take a look at the case he is making.

Speech for David Miliband event

The Dear Leader has requested that his speech from David Miliband’s launch for the Living Wage Campaign at the University of Birmingham from the 28th October be published:

Hello and welcome to Birmingham University Labour Students launch of the Living Wage Campaign with David Miliband. I’m Daniel and I’m Chair of Birmingham University Labour Students.

Many of us in this room are members of National Labour Students, and I hope many others are soon to become members. I believe that National Labour Students are a really important wing of the Labour Party; in mobilising for Labour at elections, hosting national events and workshops, but most importantly National Labour Students proud history of campaigning, against the extortionate rise in tuition fees, in the liberation campaigns, fighting for the rights of women, disabled students, LGBT students and BAME students, rights that other students may take for granted. And now in the Living Wage Campaign, taking place on campuses across the country in Kent, Cambridge, Leeds and Leicester, and today starting here in Birmingham.

The Living Wage is the minimum hourly rate someone has to earn to afford everyday basics like housing, food, childcare. A wage as the name suggests, that you can live on, not merely exist.

In London the current rate is £8.30 an hour. In Birmingham the current rate is £7.20.  £7.20 is a target that is not only morally right, but financially achievable.

I am proud to be a member of a party who when in office introduced the National Minimum Wage. This was a huge step. The Tories said it was economically unsound. It wasn’t. The Tories said it would cost jobs. It didn’t. The same arguments are made against the Living Wage.

It is great to see in the room…

Now, I know David doesn’t need much of an introduction. David was elected to Parliament for South Shields in 2001, and in 2006 was Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs where he oversaw the Climate Change Bill, before becoming the Foreign Secretary in 2007. But more important than that, Political Top Trumps gives him a ‘fanciability’ of 84.

Boys and Girls, David Miliband.

Election results

Apart from an amazing visit by the Shadow Policing Minister, Vernon Coaker, BULS played host to a serious of elections for various positions. And the results are as follows:

Women’s Officer-Viki Hemmingway

Fresher’s Officer-Lottie Rowling

Constituency Labour Party (CLP) Liason Officer: Ed Gilbert

Congratulations is in order and comiserations for those who ran against them. We look forward to working with this ‘New Generation’ of BULS.

Total Politics Blog Awards

You know we on the BULS site mentioned about a month back about the Total Politics Blog Awards for 2011. Well the results have been announced, and yes, you kind of guess how well we did by the badge there, but let me put this into context.

Last year the BULS blog somehow managed to sneak into the Total Politics Blog Awards for 2010 Top 100 Labour Blogs at number 90. Most other sites had sent out requests to vote for them prior to voting. We in BULS on the other hand did not even realise that we had got into the Top 100 until around 6 months after the results were announced. But this year we did push it a bit harder, and yes, I know you’re dying for the result so here it is…drum roll please:

42nd!!! That means we have moved up a whopping 48 places!!! Don’t believe it yourself, check here!

Thank-you to everyone who voted for us and we will do our best to keep the BULS blogs coming to you in the year to come and beyond!

Total Politics Blog Awards 2011

Total Politics Blog Awards 2011 - vote now!

It’s that time of year again. The Total Politics Magazine is hosting it’s annual blog awards where blogs can become one of the Top 100 (or 20 if you’re lucky) blogs in the country depending on your category (Left Wing, Labour and Group for this one).

BULS last year managed to achieve (somehow and with no one realising) 90th in the top 100 Labour blogs and the only Labour Students blog to do so. This year we hope to do far better.

You can vote here  and then click on the “click here to cast vote button”.

The rules are as follows:

  • Your votes must be ranked from 1 to 10. The higher you rank a blog or author, the higher up they will appear in the aggregated results. You must enter a minimum of five names for your vote to count. If you don’t want to enter more than five, just write ‘blank’ in the remaining boxes. Every box must have some text in for the vote to be submitted successfully. They will also request a category BULS’s Labour, Left Wing and Group and you will need to submit a category for the ‘blank’ section if you have any so place any category for it.
  • Only submit your vote once. If you vote more than once, it won’t be counted.
  • Only blogs based in the UK, run by UK residents and based on UK politics are eligible.
  • Anonymous votes left in the comments on the Total Politicswebsite or emailed to members of staff will not count. You must submit your vote via the survey and you must enter a valid email address when you do so.
  • Do not publish a list of ten blogs on your site and try to persuade readers to vote for them. Any duplicate voting of this nature will be disallowed.
So essentially, that’s it. Vote for Birmingham University Labour Students NOT BULS and our category is Labour, Left Wing and Group. And voting closes on the Friday 19th August

Come off it Dave

This is an issue that’s very close to our hearts and many hearts of those in Birmingham University. It was revealed by the Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/8274663/Row-over-hike-in-university-vice-chancellors-pay.html)  that the University of Birmingham’s very own Vice-Chancellor, David Eastwood, was, including pension contributions, paid £392,000 last year. That’s right, nearly £400,000 a year! Not only that, this is (I think) twice as much as the Prime Minister is paid and it is also a 11% rise on the year before. 11%!! Now after proposing the new fees system that makes 77% of students worse off (that’s official numbers coming from the Institute of Fiscal Studies after much “number crunching”), he is has the audacity to award this astronomical pay rise. This is in contrary to budget cuts the University has made even long before the Browne Review in the Humanities departments and many of the lower paid staff (correct me if I’m wrong on this one) receiving a 1% pay rise. But with inflation rising this equates to a rather substantial cut.

Now I accept Eastwood can’t stop the imminent cuts coming from the government to the Higher Education budget and I accept Vice-Chancellors should be paid a decent wage (so to speak) for their job. But at least have the grace to truly be “all in this together” and stop this obscene display of out-of-touchness (if you get what I mean) with the rest of the student population at whole. It won’t stop the cuts either way, but the message is blatantly and strikingly clear David Eastwood. Make your choice for 2011.

Max Ramsay, Vice-Chair-elect

AGM result

The positions are as follows:

Chair-elect: Dan Harrison

Vice-Chair-elect: Max Ramsay

Secretary-elect: Oliver Cosentino

Treasurer-elect: Kieran O’Halloran

Website Editor-elect: Simon Furse

Communications Officer-elect: Luke Jones

Editor of Social Resources’ roles and responsibilities will be distributed between Website Editor and Communications Officer. The caucus’ for Women’s, LGBTQ, Disabled and BME Officers will be held at a later date.

Now hopefully the new committee can get BULS going again and congratulations to all!

Riding high

Have you ever heard of the magazine Total Politics? Well if you haven’t, they are essentially what they say they are on the tin, a magazine that covers (and quite a good one in my opinion) politics. Now back in September (yes I know this is a bit behind the times), Total Politics published a “Top 100 Labour blogs” for 2010 (http://www.totalpolitics.com/blogs/index.php/2010/09/07/top-100-labour-blogs-1), in which there are some HUGE blog names up there, Labourlist, Next Left, Alastair Campbell, Political Scrapbook, LabourHome, Progress and any many more. Now, it may not sound like much but, given last year we weren’t even on the list, bulsonline is now listed as the 90th best Labour blog in the country!! Yes, wow, 90th, you may say, but think about how many Labour blogs there are out there (there’s at least 230 Labour blog links on the Total Politics website) and also, bar BULS there is not a single Labour Student blog on the list! Because of this the BULS blog is featured in the Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging 2010-11.

So congratulations to the whole bulsonline team!


Lost Archives?

Just a quick note to all BULSONLINE site viewers

Since BULS established it’s own website back in the December of 2006 (over 4 years now….and probably in response to BUCF’s blog being established, safe to say we’ve quite surpassed them now) there have been around 850….ish blog posts. These have come from a variety of different people; myself, Suzy, Kieran, Brigid, Tom, Tom, Chris, Josh, Ben, Dave, Jake, Oliver, Sam and many more. So you may have noticed (if you’re as sad as me) that the first seven months in 2007 has had most of it’s blog posts removed. Now, this is because Tom Marley (Former BULS Chair, 2007-2008 and the BULS site’s biggest contributor to date) has gone to work for the Regional Labour Party. Naturally, he has requested that we “private” his blog posts, which we have agreed to. Hopefully one day these posts can be republished, one day.


Merry Christmas from all of us at BULS!

Leader Christmas Cards: Ed Milliband's Christmas card

As the title says, Merry Christmas to everyone out there (whatever your political allegiance) on behalf on everyone in Birmingham University Labour Students (BULS). Hope you can make it through the snow to your destination, wherever that may be!

This will by my own last post for a few days (busy Christmas Eve, needs not be said for Christmas day, going away 26th to 29th and then working a bit on the 30th). So again, have a great Christmas!


Divisions? What divisions?

Ever heard of the website called “LabourList”? No, (forgive me if you have) well it is a grass-roots website, in which nearly all Labour members can contribute to and is essentially the BULS’ website’s “big daddy” and a true bench mark for all Labour affiliated blogs (yes, even the mighty BULS blog is humbled by it’s activity and quality). We should have a link somewhere, but in case you can’t find it- http://www.labourlist.org/

Anyway, a recent survey was published (http://www.labourlist.org/labour-divided-over-av-state-of-the-party—november-2010) on Labour members views on what route the party should take next. The biggest divisive issue had to be support for the AV referendum (42%-against, 33%-for). The next closest issue that divided as much would have to be whether to have primaries to select Labour candidates (for-47%, against-35%) in which I can easily say, isn’t the biggest issue facing the UK.

Although, there were a number of policy areas that Labour members were presented with on whether they would like Labour to pursue more closely. Topping the polls with 78.7% agreement, was taking a harder line on tax avoidance and evasion, which I think is brilliant. Too long has the media focused on “benefit scroungers” which in comparison is a tiny fraction to what the UK looses through tax avoidance and evasion. Also high on the list came rebuilding Labour’s reputation on the economy (64.4%), a National Care Service (62.6% and probably my personal favourite on the list) and making the robin hood tax a reality (61.1%). Coming near the bottom saw online referendums (18.5%), shake up of secondary education, teaching by ability rather than age (21.1%) and employee ownership (31.4%, a mild disappointment personally).

What to make of these figures then? Well one I missed out was that, Ed Miliband, Harriet Harman and the rest of the Shadow Cabinet are still relatively supported (Miliband a mere 12% think he’s doing a poor job, 72.9% think Harman is doing a good job, etc). Also, 65.3% of Labour members believe Labour should adopt an alternative economic model and plan to that of the Coalition’s, which is certainly imperative. Well, it seems that what Labour members want a detailed and clear plan to take on the Coalition (rather than make the mistake of making yourself to vague like Cameron did, which cost him a majority) and an emphasis on what traditionally Labour does best. Taking on the social injustices of the abusive rich in our society and our great compassion, with the hopeful creation of an institution to rival the work of the NHS, a National Care Service.


And wow, my first somewhat optimistic blog in a while. Forgive me, still adjusting to my first ever government that on the whole I’m generally p***ed off with.

Leading ahead…..quite literally

After much scouring of the internet (and trust me there was a fair bit) it is safe to say that Birmingham University Labour Students blog is the most active and vibrant Labour Students blog in the country and equally more so than any Conservative Future University blog, with exception of University College London CF (though this due to most of their blogs regarding upcoming events). Don’t believe me, then follow the following link to see all the other Labour Students blogs http://www.labourstudents.org.uk/links and this link to BUC”F”s blog then scroll down until you see the list of links underneath the title “Conservative Future” http://bucf.wordpress.com/.


Royal approval

The swedish royal family is significantly less extensive, overfunded and ridden with controversy than our own. Hoever the recent opinion polls from the SOM institute show support decreasing to an overall low of 56 % despite the recent bounce in popularity created by the wedding of Crown Princess (and 197th in line to the British throne) Victoria.

The opposition is well-organised and highly politicised, with most left-wing parties and groups featuring desposing the royal family on their agendas, and the Republican Association growing in membership.

The Daily Mail, perhaps in an effort to undermine the republican movement, or perhaps in an effort to feature lots of pictures of women in gowns, focussed chiefly on Stockholm joining in the fun of the wedding, relegating campaigners to outsider status.  

The New York Times took a different approach, ending by speculating on the fate of the king if a Swedish republic is ever declared.

Could this be the start of a European-wide (or world-wide, if we`re including Australasia) movement to oust the royals?


How to lose a PM in 30 days

Observing recent political events in West Island from across the ditch, I have been struck by both the swiftness and the apparent brutality of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s removal by his own party in favour of his second-in-command Julia Gillard. The justification for his removal apparently a decline in Labor support in the polls during an election year; for which he as leader was deemed responsible. To a UK political observer the initial comparison is inevitable (and Martin Kettle at the Guardian milks it for all its worth).

But UK Labour is not Australian Labor, and we should be glad of this. Firstly Australian Labor is institutionally factionalised in a way which makes Blairite-Brownite “rifts” look like trivial squabbles over soccer team affiliation. Rudd had no core faction behind him, hence when the challenge came they swung behind Gillard. In addition, Rudd had probably alienated the powerful union factors with miner membership though his proposals for a new supertax on mining profits. The plan to reinvest these profits to the benefit of all Australians is in principle a sound idea, but one which threatened the interests of mine workers. Consequent hostile advertising from this sector likely cost a few points in the opinion polls and encouraged Rudd’s colleagues (with union backing) to act. Some of us in English circles may smile wryly at the thought that there is somewhere in the west where miners can still bring down a PM.

It is also much easier to stage a coup when only MPs have a say in their party’s choice of leader. Much of the action happened overnight in this time zone – talk of speculation coming around midnight followed by the news of Rudd’s resignation when I woke up on the floor the next morning. By teatime Gillard was meeting the Governor-General. Had Milliband, D. ever followed through on his many threats to stick the knife in we’d have gone through the whole nominations, campaigning, and membership ballots palaver. Arguably this grants the incumbent a significant advantage, but if it saves us the undignified spectacle of a brutal internal coup whilst being notionally more democratic then I for one am grateful.

Rudd had been in office for just under two and a half years, after a landslide victory in ’07. He had brought the Labor party back into power after 13 years of opposition. He’d initially taken a bold stand on global warming in a country with a deeply sceptical (and Murdoch-tainted) media, and at least attempted to redress historical grievances with the indigenous peoples. Until a matter of months ago he had polled as the 2nd most popular Australian PM in history – now he becomes the only to be ousted from office in a single term. 3-year term limits mean that an election was likely before the end of this year; with a change at the top it will likely come about even sooner (as Gillard herself has stated). We shall see if the Labor party’s gamble pays off. If it does, there may well be many a forlorn “what-if?” in the Milliband camp (though Labor’s defeat is not as likely, let alone as certain, as ours appeared in ‘09). I’m not sure which reflects worse on a party – regicide against a successful election winner, or the prospect of changing leaders twice in one term. “Unelected Prime Minister” rhetoric is disingenuous yet potent amongst the electorate, especially when there is very little to hide the naked ambition of those who make it to the top. I’ve seen identity politics used already to justify the outcome; a seemingly desperate spin. On this note it may be worth considering the success of other welsh redheaded Labo(u)r leaders.

I’m glad this undignified spectacle never befell Gordon. Rudd gave a gracious albeit tearful resignation speech, worth watching if only for his parting joke of “I’m still Prime Minister for another 30 minutes… I’m no longer leader of the Labor Party but I am Prime Minister… anything could happen folks”. To an outsider he seems a decent, honourable and principled man – I only hope his party don’t wind up regretting what they’ve done.

Comrade Nash

– BULS Southern Hemisphere correspondent

The End of the Affair

After a very long final session of Guild Council, in the immortal words of Fabian, I’ll try to keep this brief…

Each of the officers made a leaving speech looking back on the year and offering advice to the new team. These are some of the highlights.

VPSAD Emma “pacman” Packham has effectively showcased student groups to the Uni administration (the Vice Chancellor’s dad nows wants to join BUDS  dance soc) and worked hard to make herself known and approachable. She said that despite the Guild’s under resourcing, few staff and erstwhile joke status among the students it achieves incredible things. She made the point that professional relationships are crucial; and gratitude and banter are useful to grease the cogs.

VPEA Brigid “remarkable” Jones: widely regarded as a model representative of students due to her commitment and dedication she was yesterday awarded honorary life membership of the Guild. Fabian asserted that this “girl, sorry, woman” has been patronised by the bigwigs up at the Uni during her massive campaign against the closure of the sociology department.

VPHC Ed “the smallest man that I look up to” Sparkes has worked hard to calm the housing terrors among first years by making everyone feel included in halls and pushing back the housing rush til after Christmas. He thinks that fun is the most important element in life, and that we should all change something if we’re not having enough of it, and to that end he’s run for nearly every position possible within the Guild.

VPW Johnny “idiotic but popular” Davis is the first ever re-elected officer, he’s determined, innovative to the point of requesting a condom cannon and a penis-shaped bucking bronco for AIDS awareness, and wants to encourage anyone who doesn’t think they’re “political” enough to get involved anyway, because all you really need is the desire to make things better. He’s proud of U of B’s record of supporting student parents, the “hidden gems” of our community, and is excited about carrying on next year, reminding us all to protect our welfare with a Johnny.

VPS Katie “fordy fail” Ford had a hard time splitting commitments and was initially a guild outsider, but has managed to conquer the laddish element of the Sports teams with tact and skill and embed the Guild in the minds of our sportspeople. The Lion sports pull-out in RedBrick, a successful healthy living campaign, a brilliant Sports Ball, increased involvement in Sports Forums and inclusion of Sports RAs are just some of her many achievements.

VPDR Tom “comrade” Guise has come a long way but never forgotten his BULS roots, wearing a rose on his lanyard at all times. He’s delivered Joe’s Bar, not on time but on budget, and been a supportive friend to the rest of the team. He also had a serious message of support for everyone involved in student politics and a warning for the naysayers who ignore the historic importance of our institutions.

President Fabian “that geeky Austrian guy” Neuner has managed to develop from an inexperienced cynical outsider into a positive, passionate, diplomatic, reliable and genuine leader. Following a jibe from Lynne Jones he’s been spending a lot of time convincing outsiders that students do care about politics, has been active in the Vote4Students campaign and wishes to further reform the Guild Council procedure to improve transparency. Among his many other achievements he recently won a game of Lash of the Titans, wearing Johnny Davis’ underwear on his head in victory.

The motion to express GC support for wheelchair ramps in the law library was passed unanimously, which is apparently a first!


Everyone decried the lack of recognition given to the non-sabb team and then carried on ignoring them…shout outs and praise were given to the guild staff, housemates and girlfriends, Carnival Rag, RedBrick, the notorious Ed Bauer, Tom Marley and Wes Streeting as well as all of the new officers…there used to be an official bar crawl called “Chamberlain Chunderfest”… that once you’ve been elected you have to do your best both for those who elected you but also for your rivals…the library WILL be open longer next year…Ed Sparkes is the best person to bring you tea when you’ve fallen asleep on your desk…

All time high

As I realised I haven’t done a blog in nearly 2 weeks but am still revising for my last 2 exams, I thought it’d be good to point out (with little time spent) that the BULS website has seen its highest number of views since February 2009, a 16 month high! I’ll be properly back into blogging over the summer from about the 6th!


There is nothing wrong with Guild Council that cannot be cured by what is right with Guild Council

My comrades….let’s get down to business

The whole incumbent officer team have volunteered to have wet sponges thrown at them for Kids Adventure on Friday 7th May.

After prompting the President acknowledged Debating Society’s achievement of a well balanced and well attended though controversial “Free Palestine” debate. He also announced his intention of establishing better provision for colour printing.

The VP Housing and Community was commended and reported that discussions about the proposals to turn Aitken Wing into Post Grad halls are taking place tomorrow. He also warned GC that a spate of non-violent night time muggings against lone girls is ongoing in Selly Oak, but that police have been liaised with and the culprit will probably soon be caught.

The Disabled Students Officer was also commended and the VP Student Activities and Development was commended twice! Suggestions were made both to censure and commend the VP Democracy and Resources but both were rejected. However he extended his thanks to all who got involved in the Officer Elections and reiterated the improved turnout and how much he himself enjoyed it.

The VP Welfare was commended and answered questions about the reported Hunter Court suicide by stating that a student died over the weekend but the investigation is ongoing. Everyone affected has been offered help.

Motions were passed to: 1. Implement a new streamlined and accessible student group constitution 2. Increase disabled students’ involvement in Guild nights by improving wheelchair access and access for the partially sighted and increasing awareness of disabled issues within the Guild 3. Make the housing process easier for students by improving information to prevent the November “rush”, improve and enlarge the SHAC and promote the positive impact of students on the local community 4. Open Joes for Election watching in May following the success of a similar event in 2008 where the bar was kept open for the US Presidential elections and food and drink were served.

The next Guild Council will happen on Tuesday 4th May. Do go along, unless you can’t spare the time from the Labour Party that close to the election!


The end and the 100th blog

Well this is it, the end, the finale. If you remember going back through the BULS archives that I said I was standing down at the end of the month following the AGM. Well I thought it would be fitting to finish my tenure on the 100th blog(!) of ‘Ramsay’s F Word’.

And what a 6 months it has been since I took over from Chris in late October. To be quite frank over the summer of 2009 the website was essentially dead in the water. We had had our original domain name stripped from us, website hits were at the lowest we have ever seen and well we weren’t exactly blogging in the quantity that we had used to.

This is where I will extend my thanks to Josh, as with him, we essentially revamped the website. More info was brought to Committee section, a more streamlined layout, the society constitution available for all to see and well, regular blogging. Because of the changes me and Josh made, bulsonline is thriving with recent months seeing the highest blog hits since May 2009.

I am going to miss being Website Editor, it is the one outlet I have been able to vent any political frustrations I might have had at the time and I do believe it will have great significance in the upcoming General election. It has great honour and privilege to have been in charge of Birmingham University’s leading political website and probably the most active and vibrant Labour Students blog in the country.

So anyway, I wish Kieran (my successor and as of now new Website Editor) all the luck in the world as he steers the website onto May 6th and beyond.

Thank you.

Oh and don’t worry, I will keep up the blogging.

By Max Ramsay, (as of now) former BULS Website Editor


Just to keep everyone updated…

We now have 58 followees (people we’re stalking/subscribing to), 68 followers (people who’re stalking/subscribing to us) and 114 tweets, which isn’t bad considering we’ve only had the account since November. Long way to go though – Sarah Brown has 2423 tweets and 1,117,983 followers!


Website transition

Hey fellow bloggers,

As you may know, the AGM was held last Wednesday and a new Website Editor has been elected, Kieran O’Halloran, he was set up and introduced to the ins and outs of the website today and so gradually will take over my role. Essentially this is the beginning of the end for my tenure. But, it has been a huge honour and pleasure serving this role, I do stand by that Website Editor is one of the most enjoyable (and easiest) roles on the committee and when the day finally comes when I hand over the baton to Kieran, it will be good to know that in my 6 month tenure the BULS website has effectively been revived (with the abysmal activity over the 2009 summer), with some of the highest viewing hits since May 2009 and I wish Kieran the best of luck.

I don’t intend to stop blogging quite yet though, even after the hand over, ‘Ramsay’s F Word’ will live on!


Coming events

Canvassing on the Vale with local MP, Gisela Stuart

As a part of the BULS BIG CAMPAIGN PUSH for this term we have a target of making 500 contacts on the Vale by canvassing with Labour MP for Edgbaston, Gisela Stuart. We will be canvassing on two seperate occasions, Tuesday from 5pm where we will meet outside the Guild where there will be a chance of a Curry after and Wednesday afternoon from 1pm. If you live on the Vale, you can meet up with us then to save walking to the Guild, call Dora (Chair of BULS) on 07958327889 and she will let you know where we are. So whether it’s 20mins or and hour, we’d love all of you to come along and give us a hand in the build up to the general election.

Michael Cashman talk on civil liberties

Labour MEP, Michael Cashmon for the West Midlands is coming to give a talk on civil liberties. Other societies have been invited including Warwick Labour Club and after which we will probably go for a drink after. The talk will be held in the Mandela Room in the Guild of Students Building at 5pm on the 29th January.

AGM 2010 (Annual General Meeting)

Suspected to be around the end of February, all Committee positions bar Fresher’s Officer and Guild Council Representative are up for grabs, more info to come soon.

Preliminary position descriptions:


 The chair liases with the National Organisation of Labour Students as well as the Guild of Students.  Organises events and chairs committee meetings and full member meetings.  Organises speakers and writes speaker-request forms.

The Chair is a financial signatory on the clubs accounts.


 Assists chair in organising events. Organises transport for all events necessary, eg. Trains to national events. Assumes duties of the chair if the chair is temporarily unable to carry out his or her duties or if a complaint is made against them until it is resolved.

The Vice-chair is a financial signatory on the clubs accounts.


This Secretary takes charge of the organisational side of the club and, along with other members of the committee, helps to organise events.  Also writes the minutes for full member meetings and committee meetings.  Writes the risk assessments for events.

The Secretary is also a financial signatory on the club’s accounts.


 Has full-responsibility for the management of accounts.  Decides on levels of subsidies when appropriate.  Organises fundraising and Workers Beer Company summer work.

 The Treasurer is a financial signatory on the clubs accounts.

Communications Officer

 Writes weekly email, to be sent to all members.  Uploads member email address onto email account at start of term (with assistance if needed).

 Website Editor

 Has editorial responsibility over the website; http://www.bulsonline.org also jointly responsible for updating the pages on the website along with the Editor of Social Resources.

Editor of Social Resources

In charge of regularly updating the facebook group and twitter account. Has joint responsibility for updating the website, along with the Website Editor.

Happy New Year from all of us at the BULS!

Like the title says, Happy New Year from all of us at the BULS and good luck in the coming election year! I thought I’d put all this on now as I obviously wont be here later to do so. Don’t forget about the Tory logo competition (http://bulsonline.org/2009/12/22/tory-logo-fun-again/), whoever can produce the funniest logo wins some sort of prize, it doesn’t really work with only one proper entry.


Merry Christmas from all of us at BULS….and Obama’s healthcare reform bill

An image from the Number 10 Christmas card for 2009

Well first of all, congratultions to President Obama on having his bill on reforming the healthcare system in the US being approved in the Senate (60-39), all thats needed now is the two houses of Congress to reconcile their seperate bills, this is a true victory for progress.

Anyway, I personally wont be able to blog at all until the 28th (Christmas day, obviously and then away 26th-27th). So on behalf of the BULS, to anyone out there, Merry Christmas!

New CSS upgrade

Good news!

BULS has recently bought an upgrade to the website, “CSS custom upgrade”. Essentially it will alow me and Josh to do virtually anything to the website. However, I can tell you now, it’s extremely complicated, but through trial and error and a hell a lot of perseverance (and we mean a LOT) we will succeed in an improved website….eventually.

Max, Website Editor


Yes thats right, for November we have had over 1000 views (1009 to be exact on the last count and we’re only just over half way throug the month), this has not been achieved since last June!! So please keep it up and if you ever want to rant about anything or just start a debate, feel free to email me at committee@bulsonline.org and I’ll put it up in your name or if you can’t be doing with that have a go commenting on other people’s blogs.

It’s good to be back in business

By Max Ramsay

BULS online views

Good news fellow bloggers!

We have surpassed the number of views to the website from last month while not even being half way through this month. So, this makes November the highest viewing month since last June. Keep up the comments and please if you want to rant on ANYTHING email me at committee@bulsonline.org and I will put it up.

Oh and the the username at the top changes to whoever posted the last blog.

By Max Ramsay

Your website is going to change

Hey fellow bloggers,

Just thought I’d let you know as the new Website Editor I plan to make some changes here. Some being quite specific like as I promised in my election speech, more information on the committee and having the BULS’ constitution on the website for all to see. Along with Josh, we will work to give this sight a new image. This hopefully shall be done by the end of the week after reading week. So stay posted!

Oh and one little change, if you want any blogs posted here email them to committee@bulsonline.org as I’m still yet to access the old blogging email address.

By Max Ramsay, Your Newly elected Website Editor

“BULS gets more with Marley”

The BULS blog continues to confound expectations.  January was its best month ever reaching 3,222 visits.  That means it beat its previous best in December of 2,648.  In a statement to the press, having reached the landmark early in the morning, a weary eyed Tom Marley (BULS chair) said; “Under my leadership the blog has gone from strength to strength.”  In, what analysts will view as aggressive dominance, Mr. Marley exclaimed; “I will be working my committee hard to ensure they deliver a February of above 4000 visits.” 

Mr. Marley brushed off any rumours of a leadership challenge, dismissing them as petty Guild gossip.  Sources have revealed that John Ritchie may make a shock return at the clubs next AGM in order to oust the current leadership. 

Editoral Note: Admittedly most of the hits are probably praguetory.